Mission Statement
Since 1955 the mission of the Laurel Boys and Girls Club is to provide youth with safe after-school sports/activity programming that promotes productive work ethics, strong critical thinking skills, positive socialization, physical fitness, confidence and responsibility.

Club History
The Laurel Athletic League was established in 1955 and in 1964 changed its’ name to the Laurel Boys and Girls Club (LBGC). The LBGC was established by local citizens with a common interest in serving the youth of our community. Initially, the membership was approximately 50 boys and in 1965, the membership grew to 400 youth participants. Currently, the LBGC serves over 3500 youths and is one of the largest boys and girls clubs in the state of Maryland.
The original activities offered by the LBGC were baseball, basketball, football and cheerleading. In 1972, soccer was offered as a fall sport. In 1974, 1975 and 1976, boxing, spring soccer and wrestling, respectively, were added. Currently, the LBGC offers the following sports/activities: Baseball, basketball, boxing, cheerleading, football, soccer and wrestling. Soon, the LBGC will be offering summer sports training.
Due to a strong need for organizational progress, in 2015, a new LBGC Board of Directors (BOD)was established. Currently, the new LBGC BOD is moving the club in the right direction and producing positive results that include: Better financial transparency and accountability, improved organizational communications, improved community relationships, full resource support for all LBGC sports/activities and higher quality youth programming.
Board of Directors
President, Adrian Rousseau
Vice-President, Wilburt Nicholson
Secretary, Carrie Rogers
Treasurer, Jestus Johnson
Athletic Directors, Kenny Pearson and Steve Pickett
Board of Directors, Anthony Lee and Willie Saunders
LBGC Bylaws
Other Policies
Contact Us
701 Montgomery St,
Laurel, MD 20707
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1219,
Laurel, MD 20725-1219
Contact Us
(301) 604-LBGC (5242)
Follow Us
Business Hours
Mon – Fri : 10:00 am – 6:00 pm